A couple of weeks ago, we shared the remarkable story of Martha Birabwa, a former student at Mukono Boarding School who visited us on the 2008 Ssuubi Tour. Our community wase so excited to hear that she had been accepted to Makerere University's Dental Surgery Program and lots of people offered their heartfelt congratulations! We are so excited to support her through her studies so she can offer free and low-cost dental care in rural Ugandan villages.
While a lot of folks shared memories of the Ssuubi kids staying in their homes, visiting their churches, or performing during events, there are also a lot of members of the Sister Schools community who have joined in the past decade and don't know the kids from the Ssuubi Tour. That's why for this Feature Friday, we have some introductions to make.
In this video From the Archives, you'll get to meet the nine kids who danced their way into the hearts of families across Western Washington. It includes a little bit of everything - a little song, a little gratitude, and each students shares their favorite thing about visiting America.