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Meet Yeen

Yeen is one of our newer Board Members, but already she’s making a big impact. 

It was her kids who first introduced her to Sister Schools, after participating in the program at their school. She explains, “I first learned about Sister Schools when they were doing a school supply drive at my youngest child's elementary school, Fernwood. I was instantly inspired by their dual impact mission of providing educational materials to students in need and raising philanthropy spirits among Seattle students. After talking to their volunteers, I knew I wanted to get more involved.” 

As a former educator, it was something she was excited to get involved in. “Providing children access to quality education is perhaps the most important cause someone could dedicate their time and resources to. The old adage about teaching a man to fish instead of just giving him a fish rings very true here. I'm excited to empower young minds by making education accessible.” 

In a past life, Yeen was a university lecturer in Malaysia, but for the last 15 years she’s been a full-time mom, taking care of three young children. “It is a demanding but rewarding job,” she says, “that involves a lot of management and organizational aptitude. One thing I love is seeing my kids learn and grow every day!” 

Five years ago, Yeen and her family moved to the U.S. It’s been a huge transition for them coming from Abu Dhabi, where her husband was previously working, but also an exciting change. Becoming a Board Member at Sister Schools has helped Yeen develop deeper connections in her new community – both with our local schools and with fellow Board Members. “I've loved getting to know my fellow board members,” she explains, “who are all so passionate about this mission. Learning more about Sister School's impact and seeing the direct results of our fundraising and awareness campaigns has been incredibly meaningful.” 

Having Yeen’s perspective as a parent is invaluable to our Board, as is her action-oriented attitude and organizational skills – and nobody is complaining about the baked treats she brings to meetings! We’re so grateful to work with talented people like Yeen to advance our mission and impact students both in Seattle and in Uganda! 

If you, or someone you know is interested in joining the Board of Directors, we are always looking for talented people who are willing to serve. Please contact for more information. 

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