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"Bringing the Globe to Our Little School"

Sister Schools thrives because of the amazing community of donors that supports our work. Today, we’re catching up with Andrew, one of our long-term supporters, to hear a little bit more about why he and his family are so committed to this work.  

Andrew has been a teacher at Seattle Public Schools for about 12 years. He and his wife have three children, who have all participated in the Sister Schools program. In addition to their contributions of school supplies and financial resources, the whole family has also volunteered by sorting supplies at the warehouse. 

Andrew jokes that “my hobby is mostly driving my kids around to their hobbies, but when I can squeeze it in, I like to go on walks and hikes with my family and our dog, play and watch sports, play guitar very badly, and fix up things around the house.” When he’s not busy with family life, Andrew is all-in for his students. He’s particularly passionate about opening students’ eyes to the world around them and expanding their horizons. 

That drive to help students expand their worldview is what first drew Andrew to Sister Schools. He originally learned about the organization when he was teaching at Lawton Elementary. He was immediately captivated by our focus on donating school supplies from one individual child to another. “My current school is McDonald International Elementary,” he explains “and we have an extra emphasis on connecting our students with cultures outside our community.  The Sister Schools donation drives aligns well with that focus, and our students love the way they can see specifically the way their efforts make positive impacts on students in Uganda.” 

There is no shortage of worthy organizations that Andrew and his family could choose to support, but what makes Sister Schools an easy choice for them is the personal, individualized approach that wouldn’t be possible within a larger nonprofit. Over the years, Andrew has been impressed by the way Founder Terry McGill shows up personally to sort donated supplies and by the way staff members respond promptly to questions and concerns. That level of investment and responsiveness inspires him to do whatever he can to help, too!  

As a teacher in one of our partner schools, Andrew gets a unique view of our impact, that also keeps him inspired. He says, “Daily, I find pencils strewn across the floor and books left on desks at my school. I think hearing the stories from Ugandan schools helps show how important it is for us to appreciate the resources we have in our schools, and I do notice students being more appreciative and conscientious of our materials after Terry’s visits.  I also love the way the program brings stories from the other side of the globe into our little school community.  With so much conflict and violence in the news currently, I find I have to be very intentional in the way I open students’ eyes to the world.  Sister Schools has become an integral part of that effort in my classroom.” 

We’re so proud to partner with people like Andrew to make a difference for kids both in Uganda and here in Seattle! If you’re interested in joining this wonderful community, consider setting up a monthly pledge today! Your support unlocks education opportunities and expands children’s horizons: every gift makes a difference.  


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