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As we look ahead to 2024, Sister Schools is so excited by what the future holds.

Renewed Focus on Literacy Centers

Sister Schools has built a number of school libraries in recent years, filled them with books, and provided ongoing teacher training to ensure these resources are used to their fullest potential. With some years of results to review, it is clear these literacy centers are one of our biggest assets, and our best opportunities to impact education in Uganda.

Our core program will continue as it always has with a beautiful cultural exchange between students in Seattle and Uganda, and providing school supplies for those who need them most. But we hope to put an increasing emphasis on book donations, eventually growing to build a literacy center at every single one of our partner schools.

With critical school exams being given in English (a second language for our Ugandan students), and complex subjects like math and science being taught in English from 4th grade on, access to English-language books – as well as teachers equipped to help them use those resources - is critical for our students’ academic success. Our literacy centers help students excel in English, and we can’t wait until every student has access to a library at their own school!

Expanding Grant Opportunities

Big dreams - like a literacy center for every school - require big funding. We’re proud to be expanding our grant partnerships to meet those needs. We recently received funding from USAID for the second grant cycle in a row! This prestigious achievement demonstrates trust in our program and methodology at the highest level.

We are also pursuing new funding sources from family foundations, local businesses, and more. With the success of our USAID funding to build off of, we are excited to see these new opportunities come to fruition as well.

Welcoming New Board Members

All of this work is only possible through our incredible Board of Directors! In 2023 we welcomed three new board members: Yeen-Kuan Wong, Bree Davidson, and Chris Landerdahl. With expertise in education, technology, and accounting, each of them have already proven invaluable to this organization. Chris is stepping into our critical Treasurer role, ensuring we maintain the highest standards of financial accountability.

We still have a few open spots on our Board. If you or someone you know would be interested joining the team and contributing to our new chapter of growth, please contact us at

Here’s to 2024, and a wonderful season ahead.


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